Thursday, August 27, 2009

Scary Noises at Night! dun dun duuuuun...

My sister and I see road kill at least one or two times on the way to school every single day. It's become a little ridiculous, but I suppose that's what comes with living in the woods! When you are winding through the trees on Freedom Boulevard, you are bound to see animal casualties I suppose.

Speaking of living in the woods, last night I was sitting in the exact same spot I am now, typing away at my government outline when i felt something tickle my foot. I looked down and shook my foot vigorously as I saw a cricket crawling across it. I shuddered briefly, but it did not really bother me. However, this same cricket I later realized could fly. While I was deeply engrossed in defining liberalism, the cricket swooped by my ear with an evil, menacing buzzing sound and startled me, diving at my face. I again shuddered, but did not realize it had landed on my shirt. I continued typing, and when the infernal insect finally jumped upwards less than an inch from my face and landed on my keyboard, I freaked out and ran away, wringing my hands in disgust.

This was not the end of the day's adventures. After dusk darkened into night, I heard a noise right outside on the front deck. It was shuffling and scratching, like a bear (except we don't have bears, so I assumed it was a raccoon). Of course, me being the mystery-novel-lover that I am, my mind immediately jumped to "What if it is a serial killer?" even though I knew very well that an experienced criminal would not make that much noise. I crept to the front door and listened (checking that it was locked). The scratching was very close, probably only a foot or two from where I was standing safe inside my house. I started to peer out the window, but when I realized I might see either a tall menacing stranger with a weapon and a psychological disorder or a pair of beady red eyes meeting mine, I stopped myself. Finishing my outline as quickly as I could, I turned out the lights and went to bed, figuring that a robber who came into our house while I was asleep (or feigning sleep) would be far less likely to confront me and cause me harm.

Needless to say, it was a while (and several more rustling noises, this time from another side of our house) before my adrenaline receded and I was able to fall asleep.

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